Electrical and electronic engineering is the broadest and most dynamic of all engineering. It covers everything from micron-scale transistors to macro-scale network systems.
Your future career options span a wide range of industries – from aerospace and biomedical industries to robotics and microelectronics sectors, and much more.
The Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (DEEE) will prepare you to be a competent and a much sought after technologist to meet the challenges of a very fast-moving industry.
75% of attendance is compulsory in all theory and practical subjects for the issue of examination admission ticket.
About Department
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering have a modest intake of 120 students. The laboratories are fully furnished and equipped to train the students in better manner. The faculty are well trained to impart knowledge of core Engineering subjects even to the below average students from the rural areas. The department has a rich tradition of teaching and research and is widely recognized to be a pioneer in Electrical Engineering education in India.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme gives insights into the latest developments in Power generation, Transmission, Distribution and Utilization of electricity. Being an interdisciplinary subject, the students will have a strong understanding of not only the subjects related to Electrical Engineering but also gain knowledge in the subjects of Electronics & Communication and Computer Oriented subjects.
The Department has flourished in all respects and is full fledged with competent, experienced and dedicated faculty and well-equipped laboratories with facilities to cater to the all round development of students. The lab facilities and the infrastructure are regularly upgraded and are well supported by the institute and the industry.
In order to enhance the knowledge of students we also provide various Industrial Visits including Power Stations & Sub Station Visits for Final Year Students of Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
The Electical & Electronics Engineering Department faculty has the unique ability to apply Engineering knowledge to pressing problems of everyday life. They lead students by example in punctuality, discipline, honesty and hard work.
The research interests of the faculty members encompass a wide gamut of sub-disciplines of Electrical Engineering. Collaboration with faculty members from other disciplines, both within and outside the institute, is encouraged. The research activity of the department includes fundamental research, sponsored and consultancy projects, and is carried out with active participation of the students, faculty and research engineers.