Civil engineering is one of the most traditional engineering studies in India. British started very good schools for civil engineering studies and successfully completed some of the best public projects like Ganga canal and India’s Railway network to name few. A diploma in civil engineering will give good opportunities in industry as India is moving fast forward for infrastructure development and one the same time leave a good space for higher studies at home and abroad like B.Tech. in civil engineering.
Civil Engineering (CE) is responsible for creating most of the things we take for granted in our lives. From roads to dams and from airports to bridges, civil engineers design and maintain public works and public facilities. Any structure, regardless of whether it is large or small, is designed, planned and managed by civil engineers.
75% of attendance is compulsory in all theory and practical subjects for the issue of examination admission ticket.
About Department
Department of Civil Engineering with the intake of 120 students, trains students in both theoretical and practical aspects of Civil Engineering. The students are trained in the current state-of-the art technology to enable them to adapt to ever changing technologies.
The academic activities of the Department emphasizes deep understanding of fundamental principles, development of creative ability to handle the challenges of Civil Engineering, and the analytical ability to solve problems which are interdisciplinary in nature. The Department also encourages its students to engage in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, essential for development, nurturing of team spirit, and developing organizational skills. The faculty members of the department are involved in high quality research and consultancy activities, and they continue to enjoy academic leadership role in the country.
The Civil Engineering faculties are acknowledged as the friendliest faculty in the campus and interact well with the students. The interaction takes place both at departmental and individual level. The department has developed a guardian-mentor programme in which each new student is assigned under the care of a faculty member to act as a local guardian. There are annual debates between the students and faculty which are eagerly looked forward by all in the campus.
Some Important Applications of Civil Engineering
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering:
Ground Water Engineering, Hydro-infrastructure, Computational Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environmental Modeling and Management, Air Pollution Control, Water Treatment and Environmental Bio-Technology.
Geotechnical Engineering:
Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Rock Mechanics, Computational Geomechanics, Environmental Geotechnics.
Structural Engineering:
Computational Structural Mechanics, Experimental Methods, Bridge Engineering, Civil Engineering Infrastructure, Smart Material Structures.
Transportation Engineering:
Transportation Systems Optimization.
IT enabled Civil Engineering:
Application of Geo-informatics in Civil Engineering, Virtual Engineering of Constructed Facilities, Infrastructure Planning and Management, Sustainable Development.